The Forgotten Book
by Mechthild Gläser
Though a bit simplistic in some parts, at its heart The Forgotten Book has a great story to tell. Shallow characters and a simple plot line made the story a bit hard to get into but about a halfway into the book things picked up. If you can ignore the few flaws, there is a wonderfully whimsical story here.
Reality and fantasy combine in this ethereal tale.
If you can see past the flaws, there is a decent story here.
The concept for the cover art of this novel was enchanting.
It’s my understanding, that this book was not originally written in English and I think some things may have been lost in translation. The language barrier wasn’t incredibly apparent but I think it was the reason for the plain writing style. Some aspects of the plot and characters felt very simplistic as well, and would have been more appropriate for a younger audience (maybe middle schoolers?) I think overall the story was just lacking that extra something to bring it all to life, for me.
I wasn’t a huge fan of the cast of characters who felt a bit under-baked and shallow. I like character development and complexity and this book was a bit lacking in that department.
There were some incredibly unique and really interesting elements of this story that I enjoyed. About 3/4 of the way into the book, the story line became significantly more intriguing, it just took a little while to get to the good part. Once the story picked up though, it was impossible to put down. I read the whole thing is one sitting.
Overall, a good story, though I think some things may have been lost in translation.
At its core, this is a story of mystery with a nice touch of magic…
Rating: ★★★
Age Group: YA (or younger probably)
Recommendation: Yeah
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Summary: A story about a story.
Series: Single